Intro to Clinical Research Methods

This course provides an overview of the general steps of clinical research, hypothesis types, protocol development, pilot study, ethical considerations in clinical research, data collection methods, bias & errors, and study design. Epidemiological study designs are explained with examples including the cross-sectional study, cohort study, case-control study, diagnostic test accuracy studies, and clinical trials.

Course syllabus

  1. General steps of research
  2. Searching the Literature
  3. Hypothesis testing
  4. Protocol writing
  5. Ethical considerations of clinical research
  6. Overview of Clinical Study Designs
  7. Case reports and case series (definition, examples, uses)
  8. Cross sectional studies (definition, examples, advantages, disadvantages)
  9. Cohort studies (definition, examples, advantages, disadvantages)
  10. Case-control studies (definition, examples, advantages, disadvantages)
  11. Diagnostic test accuracy studies (definition, examples)
  12. Clinical trials (definition, examples, advantages, disadvantages, types, blinding, randomization, allocation concealment, intention-to-treat analysis)
  13. Systematic reviews and Meta-analysis (definitions only)
  14. Data collection procedures in clinical research
  15. Bias and errors